


Art director, graphic and digital designer based in Oslo. Currently part of the talented team at Uniform. With a focus in creating strong conceptual solutions and freely experimenting with passionate people, I strive for pushing the status quo.


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Collaborating on creating Oslo's newest neighbourhood gastro restaurant.

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Ung Samtale

Visual identity │ Website │ Art direction

Ung Samtale is a foundation that aims to prevent and assist with mental health issues in youth and young adults. It achieves this through accessible conversation services for those facing various mental challenges, along with professional development, information dissemination, and guidance. Additionally, the foundation supports the training of future clinical professionals through volunteer positions with mentoring.

The visual expression came from the interaction between the youth and counselor. This allows for a dynamic identity that the volunteers can easily adapt for different situations.The imagery plays on the often somber feelings youths may find themselves from time to time, acknowledging this and transforming it into a visual narrative that resonates and connects, offering a sense of understanding and empathy.


Visual identity │ Service design │ Illustration │ Website

Bachelor thesis. U+ is a new type of art platform created to showcase up-and-coming artists and their artworks through an exploratory approach, whilst giving first-time buyers a low threshold for buying art.

U+ derives from the letter u being used as a prefix in Norwegian, creating the opposite meaning of a word when placed at the start. This significance translates to u+ being a platform in contrast to the established art scene.

Vulkan Klatresenter

Visual Identity │ Illustration

Redesigning Vulkan climbing center to fuse with its partnership with Kolsås Climbing Club. The brief needed the new visual profile to be able to unite the two parts together, as well as giving room for expansion.

Nora Creatives

Visual identity │ Website

Developed in close collaboration with the creative marketing agency, Nora Creatives, a website and supporting identity. The visual identity features sharp visuals that reflects their attitude to challenging the status quo and not being afraid to stand out.
Elements from cinematography and photography is used to further differentiate themselves from the competition as a very hands on partner.  


Visual identity │ Website

Ny website for Uniform. More info to come, but in the meantime, check out the website :)

A dedicated space of snippets from ongoing projects, unused ideas, sketches and interesting observations. In other words, work in progress.